Contact Us

Email us now: [email protected]

T: +44 (0)28 7138 3904

8 Dublin Road Industrial Estate
County Tyrone
Northern Ireland
BT82 9EA

All artwork submitted that is intended for reproduction must be original.  If you do not have the original artwork, it should be obtained from the Artworker who undertook the work.  Artwork should be of an appropriate size to ensure reproduction quality. A guideline is; Image size 25% of original saved at 300dpi.

Web images:
Images obtained from the internet are not of a suitable quality for reproduction and can only be used as a reference.

Graphic design:
Visedge highly recommend that all artwork be created by a dedicated graphic design house to ensure professionalism and consistent high quality.

File formats:
Visedge generally work with PC format files but some Macintosh files can be accommodated. Vector based files e.g. PDF, EPS, TIFF (where images and text have been converted to paths) are more suitable than image files e.g. JPG, when considering efficiency of a job. Here are examples of suitable file formats:

PC formats – .EPS .TIFF .PDF .AI .DXF .JPG
Mac formats – .AI .MS DOS EPS

File transfer:
Files emailed to Visedge should be no more than 10Mb in size.
If files exceed 10Mb please send them using WeTransfer(or similar) and mail to [email protected].  It is recommended that all files are accompanied by a proof print and detailed specification on colour matching and hidden layers where appropriate.  Details of colour matching can be obtained from the designer responsible for the original artwork.